Inventory / Offerings [6]

HAMS Legi-Rule™
Replacement Legi-Rule™
Please note that two Legi-Rules™ are included with the HAMS™ manual.

The HAMS™ Handwriting Accuracy Monitoring System is a comprehensive system that contains six components which work seamlessly together to help you achieve amazing improvements in the accuracy of students’ handwriting no matter which writing program/style is used. The HAMS™ provides accuracy percentages in the areas of capitalization, spacing, alignment, and formation allowing consistent monitoring of progress toward handwriting goals. This is an interim data collection tool – not intended to replace normed handwriting assessments.

The HAMS™ utilizes the Legi-Rule™ - a durable 20 ml plastic ruler to bring consistency and ease to the scoring of alignment - with guidelines specific to papers with different line heights.